API reference

API reference for TTP module.

class ttp.ttp(data='', template='', log_level='WARNING', log_file=None, base_path='', vars={})

Template Text Parser main class to load data, templates, lookups, variables and dispatch data to parser object to parse in single or multiple processes, construct final results and run outputs.


  • data file object or OS path to text file or directory with text files with data to parse
  • template file object or OS path to text file with template
  • base_path (str) base OS path prefix to load data from for template’s inputs
  • log_level (str) level of logging “DEBUG”, “INFO”, “WARNING”, “ERROR”, “CRITICAL”
  • log_file (str) path where to save log file
  • vars dictionary of variables to make available to ttp parser


from ttp import ttp
parser = ttp(data="/os/path/to/data/dir/", template="/os/path/to/template.txt")
result = parser.result(format="json")
add_input(data, input_name='Default_Input', template_name='_root_template_', groups=['all'])

Method to load additional data to be parsed. Data associated with certain input of input_name and template of template_name.


add_input should be called only after templates added


  • data file object or OS path to text file or directory with text files with data to parse
  • input_name (str) name of the input to put data in, default is Default_Input
  • groups (list) list of group names to use to parse this input data
  • template_name (str) name of the template to add input for
add_lookup(name, text_data='', include=None, load='python', key=None)

Method to add lookup table data to all templates loaded so far. Lookup is a text representation of structure that can be loaded into python dictionary using one of the available loaders - python, csv, ini, yaml, json.


  • name (str) name to assign this lookup table for referencing
  • text_data (str) text to load lookup table/dictionary from
  • include (str) absolute or relative /os/path/to/lookup/table/file.txt
  • load (str) name of TTP loader to use to load table data
  • key (str) specify key column for csv loader to construct dictionary

include can accept relative OS path - relative to the directory where TTP will be invoked either using CLI tool or as a module

add_template(template, template_name='_root_template_', filter=[])

Method to load TTP templates into the parser.


  • template file object or OS path to text file with template
  • template_name (str) name of the template
  • filter (list) list of templates’ names to load,

filter attribute allow to filter the list of template names that should be loaded. Checks done against child templates as well. For templates specified in filter list, groups/macro/inputs/etc. will not be loaded and no results produced.


Method to add variables to ttp and its templates to reference during parsing


  • vars dictionary of variables to make available to ttp parser

Method to delete all input data for all or some templates, can be used prior to adding new set of data to parse with same templates, instead of re-initializing ttp object.


  • template_name (str) name of the template to clear input for, clears for all templates by default

Method to clear parsing results for templates.


  • templates (list or str) - name of template(s) to clear results for, if not provided will clear results for all templates.

Method to retrieve input tag text load. Using input load attribute, text data can be loaded into python structure using one of the supported loaders, for instance if text data structured using YAML, YAML loader can be used to produce python native structure, that structure will be returned by this method.

Primary use case is to specify parameters within TTP input that can be used by other applications/scrips.


Dictionary of {“template_name”: {“input_name”: “input load data”}} across all templates, where input_name set to input name attribute value, by default it is “Default_Input”, and template_name set to name of the template, by default it is “_root_template_”


inputs load can override one another if combination of template_name and input_name is not unique.

parse(one=False, multi=False)

Method to parse data with templates.


  • one (boolean) if set to True will run parsing in single process
  • multi (boolean) if set to True will run parsing in multiprocess

By default one and multi set to False and TTP will run parsing following below rules:

  1. if one or multi set to True run in one or multi process
  2. if overall data size is less then 5Mbyte, use single process
  3. if overall data size is more then 5Mbytes, use multiprocess

In addition to 3 TTP will check if number of input data items more then 1, if so multiple processes will be used and one process otherwise.

result(templates=[], structure='list', **kwargs)

Method to get parsing results, supports basic filtering based on templates’ names, results can be formatted and returned to specified returner.


  • templates (list or str) names of the templates to return results for
  • structure (str) structure type, valid values - list, dictionary or flat_list

kwargs - can contain any attributes supported by output tags, for instance:

  • format (str) output formatter name - yaml, json, raw, pprint, csv, table, tabulate
  • functions (str) reference output functions to run results through


from ttp import ttp
parser = ttp(data="/os/path/to/data/dir/", template="/os/path/to/template.txt")
json_result = parser.result(format="json")[0]
yaml_result = parser.result(format="yaml")[0]


By default template results set to per_input and structure set to list, returns list such as:

   [ template_1_input_1_results,
     template_1_input_N_results ],
   [ template_2_input_1_results,

If template results set to per_template and structure set to list, returns list such as:

   [ template_1_input_1_2...N_joined_results ],
   [ template_2_input_1_2...N_joined_results ]

If template results set to per_input and structure set to dictionary, returns dictionary such as:

   template_1_name: [
   template_2_name: [

If template results set to per_template and structure set to dictionary, returns dictionary such as:

   template_1_name: input_1_2...N_joined_results,
   template_2_name: input_1_2...N_joined_results

If structure set to flat_list, results will be combined across all templates in a list of dictionaries. For instance, with structure set to list result might look like this:

[[[{'interface': 'Lo0', 'ip': '', 'mask': '32'},
   {'interface': 'Lo1', 'ip': '', 'mask': '32'}],
  [{'interface': 'Lo2', 'ip': '', 'mask': '32'},
   {'interface': 'Lo3', 'ip': '', 'mask': '32'}]]]

But with structure set to flat_list it will be flattened to this:

[{'interface': 'Lo0', 'ip': '', 'mask': '32'},
 {'interface': 'Lo1', 'ip': '', 'mask': '32'},
 {'interface': 'Lo2', 'ip': '', 'mask': '32'},
 {'interface': 'Lo3', 'ip': '', 'mask': '32'}]
set_input(data, input_name='Default_Input', template_name='_root_template_', groups=['all'])

Method to replace existing templates inputs data with new set of data. This method is alias to clear_input and add_input methods.


set_input should be called only after templates added


  • data file object or OS path to text file or directory with text files with data to parse
  • input_name (str) name of the input to put data in, default is Default_Input
  • groups (list) list of group names to use to parse this input data
  • template_name (str) name of the template to set input for

_ttp_ dictionary reference